

Grüezi! Salut! Hello!

I'm Jessica, nice to meet you!

I am an Entrepreneur, seasoned Design Thinking practitioner & trainer as well as a Sustainability Optimist with extensive project experience in Switzerland, Germany, France, England, India, Lebanon, and China.

Collaborating with multidisciplinary teams across different cultures has helped me become a strong communicator and effectively reduce complexity to find clear answers. I see myself as a big picture thinker with a love for detail bringing together my expertise in Design & Innovation Strategy to address complex problems.

I thrive by enabling responsible leaders and teams to use an agile design approach to create solutions that serve people, prosperity, and the planet alike.

I am curious and permanently learn and unlearn about topics that ignite me. My sweet spot lies at the intersection of emerging technologies, leadership mindset, business innovation, design, creative thinking, and the infinite wisdom of nature.

Wearing multiple hats (because one is boring)

I’m an Entrepreneur and Co-Founder at 42hacks

42hacks is an international Climate Hacker & Start-Up Community tackling the biggest Climate Challenges with Collective Creativity, Entrepreneurship and Open Innovation. Every Friday we run online Hackathons about current challenges in the Food, Building, and Mobility Sector.

I am also a co-founder of our 1st ecosystem start-up where we try to shift modal split with AI-powered smart mobility working alongside SBB, BLS AG, Canton of St. Gallen, PostAuto AG and the Schweizerische Südostbahn (SOB).
More Information and how to join us

I’m a Design Thinking Expert, Practitioner and Trainer

Since 2012 I use Design Thinking and Human-Centred Design to help to creatively find answers to big questions such as «How can we do better in the future?»

Over the years I have stress-tested multiple innovation approaches in a broad range of projects. The unprecedented climate crisis requires a new mindset and systematic way to innovate in favour of people, planet, and prosperity.

I planned and facilitated probably over 800+ Innovation formats (workshops, trainings, hackathons, online & in-person in English, German & French) with Senior Level Executives, Start-Ups, and Teenagers.
My Services are at the bottom of this page
Connect with me on LinkedIn

I’m a Podcast Host

I created a successful Podcast Show through which I explore the role of Leadership in accelerating change towards a Green Economy.
The Naturally Innovative Podcast aims at highlighting the stories and mindsets of Responsible Leaders who enable better Futures. I interview Community founders, professors, entrepreneurs of start-ups and scale-ups, and people with an admirable mindset when it comes to future foresight.
All episodes of The Naturally Innovative Podcast

I’m a Certified Climate Fresk Facilitator

Climate Fresk is a world-wide operating association that broke down the IPCC report into a more digestable collaboration format. You learn about scientific facts, causes, and effects of Climate Change while interacting with others and assembling your very own ‹fresk› or ‹puzzle›. If you are curious to play, reach out to me. I am a strong advocate for gamification and playfulness for complex topics such as Climate Change!

More Information about Climate Fresk

I’m a Start-Up Coach

I take pride in being able to work with people from all walks of life and help them unlock their creativity to feel comfortable contributing their stories and ideas. Complex issues like Climate Change are everybody’s job. My job is to enable people to collaborate effectively and efficiently.

I was 15 years old when I took part in my 1st creative workshop. Ever since that experience I am hooked to empower everyone to work together and having fun while learning and ideating.

In the start-up sector I support
 dynesis – Data-Driven Design for Start-Ups
ETH Entrepreneur Club’s Incube Challenge
Tenity FinTech Incubator & Accelerator (Former «F10 global»)
The Changemakers at One Planet Lab by WWF Switzerland

I’m a Contributor to the Carbon Almanac

This unique community-driven project is one of the highlights of my career so far. As the only Swiss citizen and together with 300+ contributors from around the globe we co-created the Carbon Almanac book and many more initiatives around this movement. Among other, I was involved in idea and content development for the free Children version of the book and co-developed an educational board game, Climate Quest – Path to a Net Zero Future, for young and old kids.
Free Downloads, Book Order and background info ►
Watch my Podcast Episode with Seth Godin on Youtube

Organisations I collaborated with

You will often here me ask

«The Climate is Changing. Why aren’t we?»

When working with me you can expect

Zero BS
I’m easily put off by big buzzwords without practical application. That’s why I’m pretty good at strategy but even better at getting sh*t done.

If I say yes, I really mean yes. And you can count on it.

My work style is transparent, straight-forward, and structured. I believe it is the best way to invite and maintain good collaborations.

I form a partnership with the people I work with. I create the space needed for impactful innovation to flourish and will care about your business as much as if it was my own.

A Big Smile
I work with intention and always build in playfulness and positivity to make creativity flow. Why? Because it is more fun and laughter is proven to drive you forward when collaborating.

What others say about working with me

I consider myself a Big Picture Thinker with a Love for Detail

It is through long walks exploring the beautiful Swiss outdoors with my four-legged sidekick and daily meditations that I preserve the necessary free space in my mind to embrace the new.

I deeply care about the people I work with and the results we achieve together. I am driven by leading responsibly and help teams and their businesses transition to a more just, more inclusive, and more regenerative economy.

I think you should never waste a good crisis… See Opportunities instead of Obstacles!

I believe a crisis is an opportunity in disguise to innovate and lead positive change.

Sadly I often observe the opposite: Businesses slow down, become paralysed, disorganised, overwhelmed, or aloof in the face of a crisis. The truth is that no innovation originates from such inaction.

Our planet certainly has no time to waste and neither do your clients, partners, current and potential talented employees, or investors.

I can help train your team today in new innovation methods and align your vision to systematically and creatively work towards becoming a sustainable business.

Innovate Today. Create Tomorrow.
Here’s how we can collaborate:

learn future skills

Tailored Innovation & Design Thinking Training for Your Needs

You are a change-maker, pro-active employee, intrapreneur, team leader, business owner

You want to learn and directly apply future skills in an inspiring, concise, effective, and fun way.

You have at least 0.5 day of time (ideally more!) and a motivated team to accompany you on this learning journey.

✔ I offer tailored Innovation Trainings with a broad range of topics. My approach is Systematic, Playful, Flexible & Industry-Independent.

workshops + consulting

Discover Strategic Options for Innovation + Impact

You are an executive, business owner, change-maker, intrapreneur, team leader

You want to define a sustainable innovation strategy, come up with actionable initiatives and build a strong narrative to engage your employees, clients, and partners.

You have defined sustainable business innovation as a priority and are willing to develop and deploy a suitable strategy.

✔ I offer a fun, transparent and systematic approach to shape your sustainable innovation strategy and empower your organisation to transition towards it.

flexible innovation support

Let’s kickstart your next big Innovation Development

You are an executive, business owner, change-maker, intrapreneur, team leader

You want to truly innovate instead of being paralysed in the face of the Climate Crisis and other complex challenges. For this purpose you want an experienced professional, who can support you on demand and serve as a sparring partner. Look no further, you came to the right place.

You have a genuine motivation to create and lead positive impact for your immediate stakeholders, our planet, and society.

✔ I offer that fresh outside perspective to identify new opportunity areas and 10+ years of experience in creating an innovative response model.

Coffee Call

I’m always happy to connect with new people. Reach out to explore collaboration opportunities and groundbreaking ideas: hello(at)